Feng Shui of Letting Go to Allow the Flow

So, a number of days ago, May 30th, I was in a bit of a funk, it might have been prompted from a slight hangover after having the evening before, bicycled over to the last evening of a several day cultural street festival, with music and alcohol, where I’d been walking, jumping, singing and dancing among a small crowd of people snaking through an area at the end of the festival. Over the last weeks, I’ve been retrospective about a number of things, looking within myself. And then this day, I was prompted to write down aspects of my personality I‘d been observing. Sort of like a self reckoning, or confrontation…looking inwards. I won’t bore you with details, unless you inquire.

This critique of myself; habits, actions, thoughts… spelled out to me ….signifiers (of the overused word) ‘scarcity’ mentality. Actions which are reactions to and products of fear. (Such as the habit that I don’t do, using my bluetooth keyboard while simultaneously online, thinking that it’s less secure, but I’m doing it now, at this clean and chained unused sidewalk table, which pulled me over to it. I was scouting for where I could write with the keyboard, when I spotted this. I couldn’t believe I was still connected to WiFi (Same WiFi where I sit outside, after the library’s closed; a clean and well lit art gallery) appears to wrap around the block.

So I recycled these thoughts I’d been holding within, then promptly recycled a bunch of stuff, clearing up space, part of that list. Within 24 hours, trimmed my hair, having lately noticed fuzzy ends. Made the decision to make the effort to invest in a pair of second-hand shoes and pants. At the same time, recently I’ve been paying acute attention to my posture lately, a reflection of always carrying a weight, literally and figuratively and that I often still have my backpack on, even when I take it off. Mirrors are my friend, to reflect and remind.

I sensed that these actions; picking through emotions,  behavior, purging, clean cut, recycling, relaxing my shoulders that the process of all this together, physically and emotionally, is a kind of feng shui; a lifting, lightening, making room, creating space for new energy to flow in. Out with clinging to the old, and establishing a clear space to move forward. It does actually feel emotionally like I’ve lifted something. 

I recalled ann astrological writing I read several weeks ago by Rob Brezney, because it seemed that I was going through what he predicted. I usually look at this site retrospectively, not proactively. It does appear to be on target. I have sun in Capricorn, 3 planets in Sagittarius and moon and other planets in Scorpio. An astrologist friend told me that where the moon is, is just as vital as the sun sign (so i look at all three). https://freewillastrology.com/horoscopes/archives/2023-05-18/scorpio

{Scorpio last week, freewillastrology by Rob Brezney, San Francisco columnist

“In the coming weeks, you’ll be guided by your deep intelligence as you explore and converse with the darkness. You will derive key revelations and helpful signs as you wander around inside the mysteries. Be poised and lucid, dear Scorpio. Trust your ability to sense what’s important and what’s not. Be confident that you can thrive amidst uncertainty as you remain loyal to your core truths. No matter how murky this challenge may seem, it will ultimately be a blessing. You will emerge both smarter and wiser.”

In the back of my mind (consciousness), I was remembering what the Chinese philosopher Lao Tsu said. 

“Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny“

bye the way, the reason I decided to stay longer at the place where I’m living, is because I realized pigeons were making a nest on my balcony and I looked up the time period for raising them, and wanted to protect them cuz my housemate who owns the apt, doesn’t like pigeons.

The second time I was convinced I must stay (after inquiring if I may), was when for the first time, the mother and father pigeon were suddenly perched way up high on my ajar window, very unusual, because usually they are perched above their toddler on a low ledge of the balcony to sleep. After seeing this and looking out to the water dish, I realized it was empty, the lid of a jar ai fill up regularly. I was thinking that the pigeons were trying to bring this lack of water to my attention. I’m laughing as I write this, but it’s true. I diligently cleaned out with a hose and filled the large bird bath in my parent’s yard, sometimes several times a day in hot weather when I lived there. 

My regular workplace before hitting the library, is here, beautiful, full of flowers and bird’s singing and the occasional fox or stork. These were shots taken today as I worked offline on the crescendo of completing my educational book for youth about the spiraling and electromagnetic universe in which we live…and of course leaning towards ecology.

And this is where i sit if I have more online things to do after the Staatbibliotech library has closed at 10/22:00

About carolkeiter
Aspiring writer, artist, musician and composer who was born and raised in the United States and has resided in several European countries. Communication is my forte; both through using various tools and in approaching people of divers backgrounds to gather information. Speak conversational - advanced intermediate - French, German and Spanish. Love interacting with people in cultural centers as much as going to remote places to learn more about the different creatures that share our planet. Love of the outdoors and of a variety of outdoor sports. Driven to learn and expand my own consciousness and understanding through curiosity and love of life. Creative skills merge with analytical ones, leading to an interest in a myriad of topics; ranging from politics, economics, science to environmental. Motivated to use my art, music and writing to support and educate people towards humane practices that support and respect all of life, including practices supporting a healthy planet.

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