Prince Ea | Change Your Life | Choices You Make

A new lovely rap message from Prince Ea “Start Changing Your Life 2024” regarding empowering people to see that it’s the choices they make that will allow them to aspire to make the most of their life.

 …step out of your comfort zone ~ change your life through the choices you make…

Courage to Order Off the Menue
Escape Your Comfort Zone

This had rolled into my inbox today on the spring solstice March 21st. 

“Can I let you in on a little secret?

I’ve studied personal growth for over a decade

…and read thousands of books.

Prince Ea ~ Architect Your Existence

But when it comes to drastically changing your life for the better…

>> This is the quickest, most efficient way to do it

It really doesn’t get more simple than this. 



Human Optimization Researcher & Story

Carol Keiter aka nomadbeatz

About carolkeiter
Aspiring writer, artist, musician and composer who was born and raised in the United States and has resided in several European countries. Communication is my forte; both through using various tools and in approaching people of divers backgrounds to gather information. Speak conversational - advanced intermediate - French, German and Spanish. Love interacting with people in cultural centers as much as going to remote places to learn more about the different creatures that share our planet. Love of the outdoors and of a variety of outdoor sports. Driven to learn and expand my own consciousness and understanding through curiosity and love of life. Creative skills merge with analytical ones, leading to an interest in a myriad of topics; ranging from politics, economics, science to environmental. Motivated to use my art, music and writing to support and educate people towards humane practices that support and respect all of life, including practices supporting a healthy planet.

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