Biodiversity vs. Virtual Reality

Yes, I am opinionated. So don’t take it personally. I just responded to a virtual landscape on a page with this comment. I don’t need a virtual moon dangling in my virtual living room with my virtual body, because I go outside all the time and sleep outside (at times because of being economically challenged or when there are no vacancies) looking at the moon and feeling the air and wind in my hair. I once had a vision – literally way before Meta and virtual reality was yet manifest – about this. It was to me a nightmare, not a cool thing I intended to want to do again. To step out of what i thought was reality and realize, as electrodes in a sort of scull cap were being taken from my head, that none of it was real. I personally prefer our real relationship with the earth and its creatures, and wish to protect them from humanity and its enormously wasteful energy strategies to maintain a technological fantasy. 

I recall a ‘waking dream’ I had decades ago. It was not while I was sleeping, but during the day. I was witnessing what has since been created, virtual reality, before it existed. In the dream I was climbing a mountain. I could feel the breeze. The ‘camera’ pulled back so that I was then seeing myself from above, and then moved further away until I was high above my body looking down at myself and the earth. Then suddenly I was climbing out of a box, an isolation tank, in my living room. I then was disconnecting these wires from my scull. When I awoke from this engaging dream during the day while I was living in Washington D.C., I recall feeling very disturbed emotionally from the thought of having cheated myself by not ‘actually’ having the real experience of traveling to a mountain, and then to put out the effort to reach its summit. Instead, I was only alone in a box – the shell of the real experience. A few years later I was startled to watch a movie while I was traveling and visiting Europe called “Strange Days because it was recapturing the essence of the mechanics of how this ‘virtual reality’ of my vision and virtual experience occurred.

I wrote then > when I was still using a Macbook < I have since continued to feel this conviction (even though I’m sitting here ‘working’ and writing, creating and communicating in isolation on my MacBook Pro – and loving and needing this machine – so I think 🙂 That, if we don’t maintain a balance, our technologies will continue to isolate us from ourselves, from one another and from our connection to the natural world. I had hypothesized that primitive people perhaps had not lost our special connection to the cosmos. A friend then pointed out to investigate my theory by looking at the aborigines of Australia. They once consistently demonstrated telepathy and ultra human powers of consciousness. As modern man relies more and more on our gadgets to do things for us, our human powers of mind and heart and connection to one another and the universal intelligence will atrophy. I believe human beings do have capabilities of telepathy and of connection with the divine through allowing ourselves to quite our minds and engage our spirits and heart – our sixth sense or intuition or gut instincts – whatever you want to call it. Yet, if our thoughts are constantly engaged and busy worrying about the past and the future and what we don’t have and judging one another and watching sitcoms and shit, we don’t have the time or space to tap into what is available to us as spiritual beings on the material physical plane. yep, I said it. I always thought it. And I keep finding other human beings who also reiterate and reverberate the same message….